
TravelTech 2024 By JK Tourism Council Limited Seats 1st Transformative Workshop Experts from Industry Officials from Dept. Of Tourism Officials from IT Department

Join us for a transformative workshop designed exclusively for tourism professionals! Dive into the essentials of digital security, privacy, and modern marketing. Connect with industry leaders, enhance your skills, and take your business to new heights in the digital age..

09 October, 2024
To Be Decided

Welcome to Travel Tech workshop 2024

In alignment with the mission and vision of the JK Tourism Council to empower entrepreneurs in the Hospitality, Tourism & Allied Industry, we are organizing a 6-hour practical workshop focused on leveraging technology to elevate the travel and tourism sector

The workshop will be focusing on

  • Introduction to Travel Technology
  • Digital Marketing for Tourism
  • Safeguard Your Business
  • Stay Complaint And Secure
  • Network & Innovate
  • Empower Your Digital Presence


Tech WorkshopFor Tourism Sector

6 hr

Interactive Sessions


Speakers Industry Experts

Workshop Schedule

Below you'll find the schedule for TravelTech Workshop 2024. We'll keep this page regularly updated with all new speakers and sessions, so be sure to keep checking in!

10:15 - 10:45


Welcome Kit
From JK Tourism Council

Welcome Kit<

11:00 - 11:15

Welcome & Introduction

From JK Tourism Council

Welcome & Introduction

11:15 - 11:30

Opening of Workshop

Chief Guest

Opening of Workshop

11:30 - 01:30

Sessions From Industry Experts

11:30 - 01:30

Details will be updated Soon!

01:30 - 02:00

Networking / Refreshment Break


Networking / Refreshment Break

02:00 - 03-15

Sessions From Industry Experts

02:00 - 03-15

Will be updated soon!

03:15 - 03-30:

Vote Of Thanks

From JK Tourism Council

Vote Of Thanks

Secure your seats

Limited Seats (First Come First Serve )

  • Register Online
  • Recieve An Email
  • Acceptance & Entry Pass

Why Attend?

  • Intensive Transformation Workshop For 6 Hrs
  • Interactive Sessions
  • Participation Certificate
  • Networking